
A Great God

I was driving to work this morning and saw one of those sights that register in your mind for years to come. The road I travel on in the morning heads due west. Living in Colorado means I get to see the mountains every day. It's an honor and a delight to see God's creation (oh yeah and I realize how blessed I am to live in such a wonderful place). Talking about wonderful places, a friend of mine who lived in Hawaii told me that the ocean is never the same from day to day. One day, big waves crash the beach. Other days, it's more docile and calming. Every day is different. Only being around the ocean a few times in my life means that I take his comment at face value because the ocean looks the same to me. Waves, water, beach, sunburns. It seems pretty simple.

But I do understand more about his claim living where I live because the mountains are never the same. They may seem like stoic obelisks rising above the plains to the untrained eye because you don't get to see them on a daily basis. But every day, they seem to reinvent themselves. Back to this morning. Fluffy clouds were peaking over the summit as the sun rose in the east, sparkling the snow pack with what appeared to be dapples of red and orange spilled paint. It was amazing,  breathtaking and it reminded me, not only of the greatness of these massive pieces of rock (the 'purple mountains majesty', as Katharine Lee Bates describes them, is amazingly accurate). But it also reminded me that these wonders of creation aren't simply a mistake but were hand-crafted by a great God who knew the pleasure we'd get simply by looking at them and hiking in them. He also created them to be an amazing storehouse of moisture that is stowed up in snow pack to help replenish the earth in the spring and summer. God did a GREAT job when he created the earth. 

Seeing the magnitude and the beauty reminded me of Psalm 121:1, 2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. (NIV, 1984) Mountains are big. God is BIGGER. As magnificent as the Rocky Mountains are to experience, we have a great God that cares for us even more. When life is rough and the road seems unending, He walks with us and provides comfort, relationship and help. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes troubles become so overwhelming we don't turn to Him, but attempt to handle things on our own. The psalmist looked UP and realized, the God who made the mountains is greater than the mountains. He is the one I place my hope in. Let the mountains remind you of the great God you serve.



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