Ultimate Love


We live in a world where few people truly know or have experienced real love in any tangible way. We seek, we struggle, we hope and yet love seems to be elusive. And yet, God promises real and lasting love to any who will seek Him. The Bible says that God loved you so much that he sent Jesus to die for you so that you might spend eternity with him. Can you imagine? Someone would go that far simply to express ultimate love, but that’s exactly what God has done for you.


The message of ultimate love is wrapped up in what Jesus did for us. He didn’t have to die on our behalf. He didn’t have to give His life. But, because He loved humanity and wanted to show us how much He loved us … Jesus made the volitional choice, out of love, to die on a cruel, inhumane Roman cross to pay the price for our sin. The result of that sacrificial love is this: we now can have eternal life, because of the love of Jesus. Isn’t that AWESOME?


That’s what we are striving for at Trinity Baptist Church. Not only do we want to share what Jesus has done and the love He demonstrated, but we also want to express that same love to everyone who enters our doors. I John 4:10 says, “And this is love; not that we loved God, but that he loves us and sent his Son to pay the price for our sin.” We invite you to come and experience The Trinity Touch as we share the love of Jesus in real and practical ways.


If you have any questions about a relationship with Christ click on the ‘Knowing Christ’ icon or email one of our pastors on the ‘Contact Us’ page.


Join us Sundays at 10:30 AM