Children's Ministry

Child Friendly

Children are essential at Trinity. We seek to assist you in instilling family values and Christ-like character into your child. When you walk in the front doors at Trinity, the nursery for children up to 2 years old is in the main hallway. Currently, the nursery is open for use with the supervision of an adult. No official childcare is on duty. 

During worship, all children from 2 through 5th grade meet in the Worship Center to worship together as a family. This allows families to teach the importance of worship in their children's lives. After the worship time, Pre-K students move downstairs, where we provide an "Extended Session" while you are in the teaching time of the service. Extended session is a Pre-K designed class that begins teaching students about the bible with age-appropriate materials.

Once again, after the singing time, Children from K-5th grade are invited to "Learn at Their Own Level." This classroom is also held downstairs and is designed to teach the bible with age-appropriate materials. This class will be closed for the 2024 semester. We will provide bags of materials in service. Your students are welcome to sit through the service with their parents. 

All our Children's Ministry Leaders are background checked for safety and we require an adult to check in and pick-up your students from class.. 

Bring your child this Sunday and let them experience the joy of the Lord with their friends as they worship and learn more about the great God we serve!




Children's Bible Study 

9 AM Bible studies:

1) Pre-k through 1st grade- taught by Sue Penland

2) 2nd-5th grade- taught by Pastor Kyle




 For any other events, please click here to see the Events Page!





Join us Sundays at 10:30 AM