Our Story

Our Story

Have you ever driven by a building and wondered, what do they do inside those four walls? I think we all have had those thoughts at one time or another. A building that stands in the middle of a community can be intimidating if you’ve never been inside. For many people, just the anticipation of being uncomfortable will keep them from ever entering that structure.  

That’s what most people feel when it comes to attending church. They’ve seen the building, wondered what goes on inside and even have a few friends that talk about their own experience. However, the intimidation of not ‘knowing’ keeps them away. What makes Trinity different is that people walk in and feel at home because those who come here remember that same awkward feeling and work hard to make sure you don’t feel that way. The people at Trinity love people. It’s that simple and it’s what makes us unique. We believe strongly in the teaching of God’s Word. We seek to serve God in all facets of our lives. But, who we are is translated through the love we have for others.

We’re interested in providing a comfortable, safe place for you and your family while you pursue and discover God. People need people. It’s a fact of life. In fact, the number one reason people join clubs, gyms, PTCO, or a church is that they are looking for a relationship. That doesn’t mean that everyone will find the perfect friend or family to hang out with after visiting with us. What it does mean is that Trinity is a great place for you to look, discover and engage with others. You might even find a connection that will last a lifetime.

Who We Are

We are a group of people who love each other and warmly welcome those who enter our doors. That doesn’t happen much anymore. We’re not a big church where sometimes it is easy to fall through the cracks. Trinity is full of people,  just like you, who love their kids and seek to do the best they can in life. They long for more than just going through the motions of the typical 9-5 routine.

We are NOT perfect!

What most people don’t understand about church life is that churches are filled with great people who struggle with life. Just like you.  We’re not perfect and don’t claim to be! We are, however, seeking to become all that God has designed each one of us to be. God has a purpose for every life (including yours!) and God’s Word provides counsel, direction, comfort, and insight into living life as effectively as possible. He gives hope and a future through Jesus. At Trinity, our pursuit and passion are to become more like Jesus -  at work, with our families, in our recreation and in the way we do life.



Join us Sundays at 10:30 AM